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Group Sessions

Diversity Students


COVID and quarantine have had a particularly negative affect on young adults. This 6 week program helps young adults practice life skills by attending one individual DBT skills-based session and one group D&D practice session every week. 

Image by James A. Molnar

Living LGBTQ

The LGBTQ community is under attack in Florida. This support group is for members of the LGBTQ community by members of the LGBTQ community. Meeting weekly, this group helps develop skills and coping mechanisms to LIVE LGBTQ.

Two Men

Men & Relationships

Let's be honest, men get a bad rap when it comes to relationships. This group is for men in relationships or out. Meeting one evening each week, it focuses on learning how to be a true partner and communicate what you need.

Friends by the Lake

Women & Relationships

For centuries, women have been encouraged and even praised for their "selfless giving" to everyone BUT themselves. Exhausted from burnout and burned from gaslighting, this group helps women clearly communicate their needs, prioritize their health, and develop healthy relationships with others. 

Parenting Groups

The number one request we receive for groups is on parenting. Despite today's parents being more educated and more resourceful than in years past, they frequently feel lost trying to help their kids navigate life. Between COVID, school shootings, and the constant presence of technology, not to mention more kids questioning their gender and sexuality in a state that is trying to prohibit it, parents need help. That's where we come in.

Painted Hands

Parenting Littles

They're so sweet, so full of mirth, and so full of energy! Meeting once each week, this group helps you develop tools and techniques to parent kids in elementary school.

Paper Heart

Parenting LGBTQ Youth

Parenting LGBTQ youth, especially in Florida, requires a black belt level of parenting.  From supporting your child to advocating for them at school, this group meets weekly to help you hone your inner ninja. 

Riding a Roller Coaster

Parenting Teens

Teenagers have never been known as easy going. Today's teen is even harder to manage. Have YOU ever tried to take away their phone? Join this weekly group to learn actionable techniques to help you parent - and sometimes even enjoy - your teen.

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